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May 12, 2020

Sandy Canally at home

A COVID-19 Message

A message from Sandra Canally, RN, founder and CEO of The Compliance Team

Well, how do I start? This is our first newsletter in months! We, at The Compliance Team, like you, have been working diligently to keep business moving forward. Since mid-March, our entire team has been working from home offices all over the country.

Our day-to-day business has, obviously, changed a bit. We cannot do on-site visits until restrictions are lifted. We have been proactively reaching out to our providers, asking them how we can help them and trying to respond to their questions.

Weekly Webinars
In case you did not already know, we are holding weekly COVID-19 webinars. Although the webinars are typically oriented toward a specific area of interest, all our webinars offer information that can be used across healthcare segments. During the last 20 to 30 minutes of each webinar, we respond to questions. If you want to sign up for any of our webinars, visit our website, and click on the COVID-19 link. Webinar registration is on the right side of the page. At the bottom of our COVID page, you will find links to Coronavirus resources and downloadable files from previous webinars.

Moving forward, our weekly webinars will be geared to post Covid-19 issues. Be sure to check out the webinar from Tuesday, May 12, “How to Inspire Caregiver Heroes Every Day,” with guest speaker, Brian Lee who presented his Ten Imperatives of Caregiver Inspiration.

Stay Safe. Wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask.


The Value of Accreditation

As a valued provider with The Compliance Team, you should already be aware of what accreditation brings to your business. Whether you are required by CMS to have accreditation or you have opted to gain accreditation for the value it brings you and your patients, we at The Compliance Team are always looking for what accreditation means to YOU!

Over the past few weeks, we have heard from multiple providers about how their accreditation has helped them survive the pandemic. The rigorous emergency preparedness training and cleaning routines more than paid off for those who stepped up and maintained the procedures.

One of our DMEPOS providers, Ed Esposito, owner of Esposito Shoes, Inc. (started in 1928 by his grandfather), recently sent us a letter of appreciation:

Ed Esposito, Esposito Shoes“. . . Using your procedures for sanitation, specifically disinfectants, rubber gloves, plastic floor mats and masks, we were able to secure a state waiver to continue operating for our medical clients. I am not saying we are coming out of this pandemic unscathed, but thanks in part to your procedures, we will make it out. . .”  In a follow-up phone call, Ed raved about Diane Lerch, the accreditation advisor who worked with him on his accreditation. Diane taught him the proper sanitization processes, including how to properly put on and remove gloves.

When asked what one recommendation he would give to other providers, Ed, conservative by nature, said that everyone should control their costs and be sure to have at least a six-month capital reserve. This should get a business through almost ANY emergency, not just the COVID-19 pandemic. For Ed, this was one of the things that is getting him through the crisis. (He thinks that this bit of financial advice should be included in the accreditation process.)

On Facebook, Ed also thanked The Compliance Team for their accreditation processes and for continuing to support our provider community with webinars and telephone support.

If you have an accreditation story you would like to share, email Marilyn Bullock, our Communications Adviser, at

Above and Beyond

Here is what Respiratory Care Plus, one of our DMEPOS providers in California,  is doing to protect its employees and patients.
Stop for your safety sign

Uppal Medical Center

One of The Compliance Team’s Rural Health Clinics, Uppal Medical Center, LLC, located in Greenville, Mississippi, went above and beyond by converting Dr. Avinder Uppal’s office into a “sick room.”

They stripped the office down to bare essentials, making it easier to disinfect. Because the office has a separate entrance and a separate bathroom, they can use it exclusively for treating patients with COVID-19 symptoms. This unique solution reduces the risk of infecting patients and staff. Thank you for your creative solution to a difficult issue!

Dr. Avinder Uppal of the Uppal Medical Center
Dr. Avinder Uppal
Pat Jennings LPN, Evelyn McGill, Allison Britt of the Uppal Medical Center
Pat Jennings LPN, Evelyn McGill, Allison Britt of the Uppal Medical Center

Important Announcement

We saw this meme floating around the internet this week and thought it important enough to pass along.
Relative importance graph

Exemplary Provider digital logos

We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS, Community Rx + DMEPOS, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details,

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