Apr 15, 2018



As a registered nurse, I was trained to view patient care from the patient perspective. When I started The Compliance Team accreditation company in 1994, I built the company on two key beliefs: (1) that every patient deserves exemplary care and (2) that it should not be costly or difficult to achieve that level of care if you focus on what matters most to your patients and customers. We at The Compliance Team believe that to be . . . Safety-Honesty-Caring®.

If a provider excels in these three areas, what else matters? The rest is just minutiae!

As a way of evaluating those provider traits, The Compliance Team’s Patient Satisfaction Portal was a natural addition to our accreditation service offerings. Collecting and analyzing patient data is important to ensure Safety-Honesty-Caring as part of continuous process improvement. With healthcare moving more and more to “value-based services,” patient satisfaction data may very soon become a requirement within the payor network.

If you want to find out more about The Compliance Team and/or our Patient Satisfaction Portal, please view the video below and/or contact us at 215-654-9110. You will always reach a non-recorded human voice during our normal business hours!

Best Regards,


The Value of Patient Satisfaction Surveys

The Compliance Team is the only accreditation organization that has its own Patient Satisfaction Portal. Patient satisfaction surveys are critical to your organization as part of your continuous quality improvement process. Tracking patient data helps you determine areas in need of improvement and helps you show patients, employees and payors that patients are receiving the care they need and deserve.

The Compliance Team’s patient satisfaction database subscription service is available to all Medicare and non-Medicare provider organizations. If you already use a patient satisfaction survey system, you might want to consider using ours because:

• It is a complimentary value-added service available to all Exemplary Provider® accreditation program participants
• Data can be benchmarked against our robust database of client results

Subscribers are issued a unique Username and Password that allows them to utilize The Compliance Team’s proprietary satisfaction questionnaires.

The Compliance Team’s patient satisfaction reporting and benchmarking subscription service is the nation’s oldest (circa 1998) and the largest (over 1.8 million surveys and counting) database repository of HIPAA-compliant patient satisfaction questionnaire results. It can be utilized by single locations as well as small and large multi-site organizations.

Patient Satisfaction Portal details:

  • Survey reports are housed on The Compliance Team’s secure web portal. Reports can be generated on-demand in Excel spreadsheet format.
  • Multi-site operations have the capability to set-up (parent / child) relationships between corporate headquarters and outlying locations, or they can use a single site to collect data for all locations.
  • The surveys can be conducted via a phone call; a mailed paper ballot; or an in-store interview and the results can be bulk or individually uploaded.
  • Once the survey answers are submitted, the results are automatically aggregated and benchmarked against The Compliance Team’s national database.
  • Each questionnaire has a comment section to document any positive or negative feedback.

Sample Survey Form

Survey Reporting Options

The Compliance Team Patient Portal

Common Deficiencies in DMEPOS and Pharmacy Businesses

Deficiency (Quality Improvement 3.0)

The organization does not submit Patient Satisfaction Survey data to a national database.

Submission of patient satisfaction data, for aggregation and quarterly review of outcomes measurements, is a quality standard requirement. This originates from the CMS Quality Standards relating to the need for providers to have a quality improvement plan that includes measuring the quality of patient services, and identification of any areas of improvement needed.

The Compliance Team offers all clients access to our Patient Satisfaction Survey Portal (included at no additional fee in our accreditation programs). A variety of DMEPOS and Pharmacy Services survey templates are available for use in gathering patient information.

As patient survey data is gathered, it needs to be continuously entered into the portal. Outcomes measurement reports should be run regularly, and results discussed and documented at quarterly Quality Improvement meetings. Satisfaction results are also measured against peer companies utilizing The Compliance Team portal for national comparisons. This data is also a valuable marketing tool.

Please contact Roy Dunning, our Data Coordinator, at 215-654-9110, for any assistance with surveys or reports.

“The Compliance Team has been a perfect solution for us! We operate in a space that is very dependent on solid policies and procedures to provide exceptional service to our clients. We see patients face-to-face in a space that is dominated by mail order companies. Our Exemplary Provider status allows us to provide services levels that are appreciated by a patient population who truly need it. We credit The Compliance Team’s accreditation program for our exceptional record of care. Being an Exemplary Provider serves as notice to our referring physicians and patients that we are accredited on a high level and have passed and/or exceeded the CMS and The Compliance Team quality standards.”

– Jim Guffin, Blue Water Medical/AmeriCath, Exemplary Provider since 2014

Exemplary Provider Decals

We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS, Community Rx + DMEPOS, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details, mbullock@thecomplianceteam.org.

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