Sep 25, 2018

Enhancing quality by becoming an accredited Patient-Centered Medical Home.

This year, The Compliance Team has partnered with the state of Louisiana and with Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN), both with missions to spread the message that the PCMH model is the preferred pathway to improving patient care. They chose to partner with The Compliance Team because of its on-going commitment to (and understanding of) rural health care in America. PCMH Facilitators from both states were trained to provide guidance and encouragement to practices wanting to become the provider of choice in their communities.

The Compliance Team’s PCMH accreditation program is based on the joint principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home, where organizations enhance their current operations to improve patient access, strengthen communication processes to bridge gaps in the delivery of patient care, and heighten care coordination to improve patient outcomes. Patients in a PCMH receive better quality of care because they have a primary care provider (PCP) treating them from a whole-patient perspective and helping them access community resources that may not otherwise be addressed in a traditional primary care setting.

CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) now ties quality to reimbursement in most care settings. It also recognizes the healthcare savings potential when all preventive care and appropriate urgent care is delivered by a PCP at the practice level, as opposed to patients seeking treatment at an emergency department. Pro-active care coordination and increased patient engagement are at the heart of keeping patients healthier and out of hospitals.

The Compliance Team’s Exemplary Provider® Accreditation for PCMH is a measured continuous quality improvement program that incorporates the patient-centered practice guidelines as advanced by the Institute of Medicine and the nation’s leading primary care physician societies.

The Compliance Team’s PCMH Accreditation is advantageous because it:

  • Meets state licensure requirements
  • Streamlines day-to-day operations
  • Addresses medical error reduction
  • Improves the patient/provider experience
  • Benchmarks patient satisfaction
  • Provides a distinguished Exemplary Provider® quality branding tool
  • Positions an organization for long-term growth

The Compliance Team is nationally recognized by CMS to accredit clinics for PCMH.

See below for the most recent validation criteria for MIPS:

RadioRural Health Leadership Radio:

July 17, 2018
Click the radio to hear an interview with our own Kate Hill.

Kate Hill, VP of Clinical Services announces 2 PCMH collaborations

Common Deficiencies in a Clinic Environment

Questions may be directed to Dianne Bourque, RN, CNOR, CASC at

Topic:  ADM 10.0 Emergency Services are provided to the patient for life threatening injuries or acute illness.  §491.9(c)(3)

Emergency response medications and supplies are not immediately available to use for treatment of the RHC patient.

The medications and supplies approved by the Medical Director should be assembled to bring to any location within the clinic. This includes the medications and supplies in the ER Kit, a portable oxygen source, and the ventilation supplies necessary to support respiration of the adult and/or pediatric patient. Should a patient require immediate treatment or basic life support, all clinical staff should know where the ER Kit is located and have the supplies on hand to begin treatment. All staff should know their role during an emergency medical event and be prepared to assist the provider to stabilize the patient.

Upcoming Clinic Events

October 9 & 10 Missouri Association of Rural Health Clinics Fall Conference, Branson, MO, Kate Hill speaking on “How to Stay in Compliance in your RHC”

October 16 – 18  NOSORH-National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health – 2018 Annual Conference, Cheyenne, WY, Kate Hill speaking on a unique approach to PCMH

October 17 & 18  CRHC-Colorado Rural Health Center – 2018 Annual Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, Steve Simmerman attending

October 23 – 25  NARHC-National Association of Rural Health Clinics – 2018 Fall Institute, Lake Tahoe, NV, Kate Hill speaking on Emerging Compliance Issues Booth #3

October 29 & 30  ICAHN Annual Conference, Champaign, IL, Steve Simmerman attending

October 29 & 30  LRHA-Louisiana Rural Health Association – 2018 Rural Health Care Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, Dianne Bourque speaking on “Best Practices in Infection Prevention from a Surveyor’s Perspective”, Kate Hill speaking on PCMH Collaboration

October 30 – November 1  MSRHA-Mississippi Rural Health Association – 23rd Annual Conference, Jackson, MI, Kate Hill conducting a Rural Health Clinic policy workshop

November 7 & 8  New England Rural Health RoundTable – 2018 Annual Conference, Newry, ME, Kate Hill speaking on Emergency Preparedness and Clinic Compliance

November 15 & 16  Kentucky Rural Health Association Health Conference, Bowling Green, KY, Kate Hill speaking on Rural Health compliance

“The Federal Government has made it clear that they expect primary care clinics to demonstrate that the care they provide is of high quality, patient centered, and at a reduced cost. As the State Office of Rural Health, we are in Louisiana practices frequently and see the high-quality care provided. For us, it was a matter of how we assist providers in demonstrating that goal. In exploring PCMH we sought out and found an organization that doesn’t just take what works in urban and expect it to work in rural. The Compliance Team understands rural and designed their curriculums around rural needs, capabilities, and services. By collaborating with The Compliance Team, we were able to train 20 facilitators throughout many different organizations to assist Louisiana practices to gain PCMH accreditation.”

– Tracie Ingram, Rural Health Officer, Bureau of Primary Care and Rural Health, LDH-OPH, Louisiana Department of Health

Exemplary Provider Decals

We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS, Community Rx + DMEPOS, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details,

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