Webinar Library

Our popular webinars offer timely advice and essential information to help your business grow. Here you’ll find an assortment of topics that can help you stand out as an Exemplary Provider. Note that some webinars are only open to our existing provider base. Those webinars are available by logging in to the provider portal.


Recorded public webinars – most recent listed first

CMS Vaccine Mandate Podcast

This podcast, with Sandra Canally, TCT Founder and CEO, and David Kopf, editor of HME Business, addresses how the CMS Vaccine Mandate impacts DMEPOS and DME pharmacies.

Rise of the Value-Based HME

Sandra Canally, Founder and CEO of The Compliance Team, talks about DMEPOS businesses and the positive changes they have made over the last two years in response to Covid-19.


As part of our “Ask the Expert” series, Sarah Badahman, from HIPAA Trek, responds to questions about HIPAA / HITECH and offers resources for additional information

How to Conduct a RHC Mock Inspection

Kate Hill, VP of the Clinic Division at The Compliance Team, discusses “How to Conduct a Rural Health Clinic Mock Inspection”

HIPAA Essentials for Healthcare Providers

HIPAA Essentials for Healthcare Providers Sarah Badahman, CEO and Founder of HIPAAtrek, and an expert in HIPAA compliance, discusses HIPAA essentials and the challenges facing today's healthcare providers. Resources:Processing a Medical Records RequestInformation...

How to Apply for a HRSA Grant

This webinar addresses the application process for a HRSA Grant as well as how monies can be used for TCT’s Patient-Centered Covid Home program.

Patient Satisfaction Survey and Outcome Reports

How to Collect and Benchmark Patient Satisfaction Surveys The Compliance Team offers a robust array of patient satisfaction surveys and is the only Accrediting Organization to host its own national database for benchmarking and reporting. Learn about the different...

2021 Expanded DMEPOS Product Line Opportunities

Sandra Canally, R.N., founder and CEO of The Compliance Team presents on evaluating current product lines and how recent changes in the DMEPOS competitive bidding program has opened up new possibilities.

Immunization Certification Part 2 – Pediatric

With many parents putting off their child’s well visits to a physician’s office during the pandemic, there is a growing need for pharmacist-administered pediatric immunizations. Sandra Canally, Founder & CEO, outlines the protocols that are particular to child vaccinations.

Immunization Certification Part 1 – Adults

Sandra Canally, Founder & CEO, provides an overview of the Immunization Quality Standards and discusses the vaccination protocols for adults. Sandy will present this program in two parts, Adult and Pediatric Immunization. 

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