As part of our “Ask the Expert” series, Sarah Badahman, from HIPAA Trek, responds to questions about HIPAA / HITECH and offers resources for additional information. The webinar is targeted to DME/Rx, from a small business angle, but the information is applicable to any type of business dealing with PHI.

HIPAA Resource Document Download

Visit the HIPAA Trek website to take advantage of the educational materials they offer on their blog and podcast.  Link: https://hipaatrek.com/resources/

Sarah mentioned that new HIPAA Rules will be coming out later this year and signing up for the Office of Civil Rights list serve is highly recommended to stay up to date with HIPAA related changes and clarifications that are issued.  The link to sign up for the list serve is here: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/list-serve/index.html

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