Retail pharmacies see growth in adding LTC contracts.
By Sandy Canally, RN – Founder and CEO, The Compliance Team
I recently returned from Regional NACDS (National Association of Chain Drug Stores) in Florida. The overwhelming consensus among pharmacy leaders was the negative impact of DIR fees and how mail order companies are reducing the number of prescriptions to their businesses.
As an accreditor and fellow entrepreneur, I view these problems as a challenge for all of us to come together to find new ways for pharmacies to be profitable, so they can continue to serve their communities.
As the long-term care (LTC) industry continues to consolidate, there is a concern that the distinctiveness associated with care will diminish. The marketplace is merging during a time when age-associated diagnoses continue to rise. This results in a competitive environment for the LTC facilities and their providers.
Facilities require quality standards and have recognized that accreditation is a key differentiator in the market. Accreditation from an independent organization validates quality operational metrics and is seen by consumers and payers as a necessary differentiator. Long-term care facilities also recognize the importance of their ancillary providers, like pharmacies, to obtain accreditation from an AO. The accreditation commitment of facility and provider is an opportunity for long-term care players to secure noteworthy prominence, when considering expansion through managed care, improved ratings and superior service. The Compliance Team has a long-standing, successful reputation of accrediting providers in the LTC pharmacy industry and acknowledges the importance of having independent oversight when striving for Exemplary Provider status.
800,000 Americans live in assisted living facilities . . .
A large percentage of the population is over the age of 85 and are being treated for chronic conditions such as hypertension, Alzheimer’s or dementia, heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. Each of these conditions require effective medication therapy management in order to demonstrate improvement.
Expanded LTC pharmacy services will provide medication therapy management, as well as immunizations, education, consulting* and more. These services can generate additional revenue for your pharmacy, as well as lead to script growth.
Whether the model is having a pharmacy on site or providing a consultant role, education and communications are the keys to improving medication management in the assisted living facility.
The role of the consultant pharmacist* can work in any of these facilities listed below:
• senior care,
• mental health,
• hospice, dialysis,
• ambulatory care facilities,
• correctional,
• substance abuse,
• subacute,
• surgical centers.
You will want to reach out to these organizations now to find out how you can work with them.
In order to improve your credibility with LTC facilities, you may want to consider LTC accreditation for your pharmacy. Call us now to discuss your next steps. The Compliance Team, 215-654-9110.
*Requirements to practice as a consultant pharmacist are based on State Board regulations.
USP <800> Handling of Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings became effective in December 2019.
Common Deficiency
Deficiency (Quality Improvement 3.0)
The organization does not submit Patient Satisfaction Survey data to a national database.
Submission of patient satisfaction data, for aggregation and quarterly review of outcomes measurements, is a quality standard requirement. This originates from the CMS Quality Standards relating to the need for providers to have a quality improvement plan that includes measuring the quality of patient services, and identification of any areas of improvement needed.
The Compliance Team offers all clients access to our Patient Satisfaction Survey Portal (included at no additional fee in our accreditation programs). A variety of Pharmacy Services survey templates are available for use in gathering patient information.
Note: Early in 2019, The Compliance Team added two features to its Patient Satisfaction Portal to enhance usability:
Patient Survey Kiosk – The Patient Survey Kiosk lets you set up an on-site customer area (“kiosk”), so that the customer/patient can easily enter their satisfaction data at time of service
Patient Survey Invite Emails – This new feature allows you to trigger a time-sensitive email to your patients.
If you need assistance with or are not currently using The Compliance Team’s Patient Satisfaction Portal, please contact Roy Dunning, our Data Coordinator, so we can help you get started. Email roy@thecomplianceteam.org or call 215-654-9110.
The importance of patient satisfaction surveys
Pay invoices online.
There are two ways to get to the payment page on our website:
Click the Pay Invoice button in the footer of any page on our website
Click the Pay an Invoice button under the Client Services tab above
If you are having trouble accessing the page, please let us know by calling the office at 215-654-9110.
Exemplary Provider digital logos
We have new Exemplary Provider digital logos that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks such as Community Pharmacy + DMEPOS, PCMH, PCPH, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug, etc. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details, mbullock@thecomplianceteam.org.