This month, The Compliance Team is excited to announce that Hy-Vee, Inc.(246 stores!) has been accredited for Community Pharmacy, thus validating quality in their day-to-day pharmacy practices. Select locations were recognized for performing at an advanced level of practice as a Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home™ (PCPH) and TelePharmacy. Read the full press release here.
Are you a leader or a follower? Pharmacies across the United States, both chains, and independents, are increasingly moving to validate their quality and services through accreditation. You too can become part of this elite group of industry leaders. Call our office now to discuss your options, 215-654-9110.
Please watch the videos below. We have three short videos:
How do pharmacies benefit from accreditation?
How does PCPH help the pharmacy business?
What are the benefits of The Compliance Team’s TelePharmacy Accreditation track?
TelePharmacy is a great way (depending on your state) to increase pharmacy services to your community without having to hire a new full-time pharmacist.
Best Regards,

On-site Pharmacist Requirement
Although not a common occurrence, The Compliance Team recently observed, instances of pharmacies that did not have a pharmacist on-site for the times that the pharmacy was open. This is a clear violation of state Board of Pharmacy regulations as well as The Compliance Team’s quality standards for Pharmacy accreditation. Activities listed in the standards cannot be performed by anyone other than a pharmacist.
Violation of the pharmacist on-site standard may mean that your pharmacy is placing your license at risk, or worse.
Standards related to this Pharmacist Requirement:
DRG 1.0 The organization must have pharmaceutical services that meet the needs of the patients.
DRG 2.0 Pharmacy services are provided by, or under the direction and supervision, of a qualified pharmacist.
DRG 3.0 The organization has a licensed Pharmacist in Charge that has the authority and responsibility for the overall management of the pharmacy organization.
DRG 8.0 The licensed prescription area of a pharmacy may not be open without a licensed pharmacist on duty at all times.
REG 1.0 The organization is in compliance with all local, State, and Federal regulatory agencies and has the legal authority to operate.
If you have more than one pharmacy or plan to open a new pharmacy, be sure to budget for at least one full-time pharmacist at each location. An alternative option (depending on your state regulations) is to expand into TelePharmacy.
TelePharmacy is a means of delivering pharmacist-related services (i.e., dispensing medications, patient counseling, drug therapy monitoring) via teleconferencing, video conferencing and specialized TelePharmacy software. The remote dispensing site must have one or more certified pharmacy technicians on staff who work independently and coordinate with a licensed pharmacist.
If you have questions about our pharmacy services standards (and evidence of compliance) or if you want to learn more about TelePharmacy, call The Compliance Team now. Also, be sure to watch our video on TelePharmacy.
How does PCPH help the pharmacy business?
How do pharmacies benefit from accreditation?
What are the benefits of The Compliance Team’s TelePharmacy Accreditation track?
Pharmacy Commonly Cited Deficiencies
DRG 2.0 Pharmacy services are provided by, or under the direction and supervision, of a qualified pharmacist.
DRG 3.0 The organization has a licensed Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) that has the authority and responsibility for the overall management of the pharmacy organization.
We frequently see issues pertaining directly to internal protocols for the PIC oversight of equipment maintenance, and secure storage (i.e., unlocked cabinets, etc.) of narcotics along with expired meds. For instance, we recently found the following:
- Numerous expired medications on the shelves. Remedy: Written policies and protocols addressing inventory management and handling of expired medications must be formalized and implemented.
- Catheter and ostomy supplies in the back-storage area were expired and needed to be disposed of Remedy: Expired supplies must be removed from inventory.
- 5 of 5 multi-dose vials (MDV) of Morphine Sulfate were on a shelf and had been opened and used multiple times beyond the use date (28 days after opening) Remedy: View CDC’s Safe Practices for Medical Injections
- Controlled substances were stored in a metal drawer under the counter that did not lock. Remedy: Applicable regulations allow for controlled substances to be stored in a secure locked cabinet, accessible only by the pharmacist, or dispersed throughout inventory.
These and other instances must be addressed consistently by the pharmacy to avoid the possibility of losing or being denied accreditation.
For more information, contact us:

“Our pharmacy staff strives every day to provide exceptional patient care,” said Kristin Williams, senior vice president and chief health officer for Hy-Vee. “This third-party validation confirms Hy-Vee’s dedication to health and wellness.”
– Christina Gayman, APR, Communications Manager, Hy-Vee, Inc., West Des Moines, IA
“Alps Pharmacy has been working for years to provide patient care that is beyond a normal pharmacy’s standards. The Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home Accreditation has allowed us to be identified as a patient-focused pharmacy that is maintaining high standards to take the very best care of patients. We have always been able to describe the services we offer, but now we are able to apply a label to them to show our community how much we value patient care.” – Erica Mahn, PharmD, Director of Community Pharmacy, Alps Pharmacy, Springfield, MO
Exemplary Provider Decals
We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS, Community Rx + DMEPOS, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details, mbullock@thecomplianceteam.org.