Provider Quality Measurement™ (PQM) Satisfaction Portal


Any credible organization would agree that patient satisfaction surveys are critical for obtaining meaningful information to help with quality improvement. This is why The Compliance Team created its own patient satisfaction reporting and benchmarking subscription service.

The Compliance Team’s PQM service is available to all Medicare and non-Medicare provider organizations and is included as a value-added service to all Exemplary Providers and is available via our secure LOGIN page. Our PQM service is the nation’s oldest (circa 1998) and largest (over 2 million surveys and counting) database repository of HIPAA-compliant patient satisfaction questionnaire results.

Subscribers are issued a unique username and password that allows them to utilize The Compliance Team’s proprietary satisfaction questionnaires. They can also create their own customized surveys that better fit their business model and quality improvement needs.

PQM Patient Satisfaction Portal Survey forms

The surveys can be conducted via multiple methods: an automated email request; a phone call; a mailed paper ballot; an in-store interview; or an in-store patient survey “kiosk.” Once the survey answers are submitted, the results are automatically aggregated and benchmarked against The Compliance Team’s national database.

Questionnaire results are housed on The Compliance Team’s secure web portal. Reports can be generated, on-demand, in Excel spreadsheet format.

Becoming an Exemplary Provider® starts here.

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