
Feb 23, 2021

Lights, Camera – Remote Survey?

by Rosanna Bryant, Provider Development Advisor

I was sitting at my desk the other day struggling to work out the technology for a remote visit. After several attempts, and a very patient provider, we found our way. I realized after the visit how much I missed the ability to walk through the front door, to greet our providers and be able to physically observe my surroundings.

Bad camera angles, images of foreheads and shoes is our new norm. The connection we create with physical visits is gone for now, but something new in its place has been created.

I realized that over 2020, and now into the new year, I just talk a lot more with our providers. About everything and anything.

I have heard stories of despair and fear, but out of the ashes I hear the voices of hope and courage. We seem to laugh more now (otherwise we all might be crying).

Over 25 years ago. when the Exemplary Provider® program was created, it was always about patient safety and quality care. Now, more than ever, I see that commitment put into action. We have become united as a community, learning new skills, and sharing a common unknown.

It has occurred to me that our providers are not only exemplary, they are also extraordinary.

Here’s to being able to walk through the front doors again!


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