TeamTalk newsletter masthead
TeamTalk newsletter masthead
November 2022

Message from our CEO

Sandra Canally, CEOWe are excited to introduce you to The Compliance Team’s combined newsletter. Here we offer you highlights of what’s new within our entire organization. There is something here for each of our divisions! Many of our announcements and webinars are applicable to more than one division, so be sure to read each quarterly issue of TeamTalk.
Sandra Canally, RN, founder and CEO

Kate Hill receives Ron Nelson Award

Kate Hill, RN, VP of The Compliance Team’s Clinic Division, has been a board member of NARHC (National Association of Rural Health Clinics) for many years. In October, she was awarded the Ron Nelson Award for being an outstanding leader and promoter of Rural Health Clinics. Congratulations, Kate!

Kate Hill with the Ron Nelson Award

Celebrate National Rural Health Day

National Rural Health Day logo

National Rural Health Day is November 17th. In celebration with our partner, National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), we recognize and honor all our Exemplary Providers in rural health who provide exceptional patient-centered care to an estimated 57 million people within their communities each and every day.

More than ever, rural communities must address accessibility, in part due to shortages of healthcare workers and larger numbers of uninsured or underinsured patients. We stand with NOSORH and the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) to advocate for and support the needs of healthcare providers and their patients. #powerofrural

In the video below, Kate Hill celebrates YOU, rural health care providers.

Immunization and testing certification for pharmacies.

Operational excellence leads to clinical excellence. At recent Pharmacy trade shows, we experienced quite an interest in our Immunization and Testing Certification programs. Our certification programs support and enhance your efforts to control communicable diseases and help you adopt and adapt consistent procedures to ensure patient and staff safety.

Validation of your immunization and testing procedures and policies provides a third-party objective review to:

  • Identify gaps in service and create opportunities for improvement
  • Ensure that you are well-positioned for EID/pandemic response and other public health emergencies
  • Enhance program infrastructure, improving staff competencies and boosting morale
  • Support better planning for future immunizations and meeting public health needs

As a result, your communicable disease program will be strengthened. The Exemplary Provider® designation assures your staff and the public that you are a leader in your community.

Read more about our certification programs>

TCT announces new program – DMEPOS Retailer Certification

The Compliance Team recently announced its newest program, DMEPOS Retailer Certification, a quality assurance program for DMEPOS providers that are not billing Medicare or other insurers.

HME Business 2022 New Product Award to The Compliance Team“There is a potential gap in quality for retailers that are not billing Medicare and so are not required to attain CMS-approved DMEPOS accreditation,” explained Sandra Canally, RN, founder and CEO of The Compliance Team. “As one of the original CMS-approved DMEPOS accreditation organizations, we have seen a lack of oversight among providers that are serving patients via online web stores or that offer cash and carry services rather than bill Medicare. We believe these retailers should maintain a high level of standardized quality that is more than just an online review — especially for services that could be potentially detrimental to their patients.”

HME Business recently awarded The Compliance Team its New Product Award in the certification category.

Read more>


APHA 2022 Conference in Boston, MA

Sandra Canally, RN, Founder, CEO and Marilyn Bullock, Marketing Advisor

Sandra Canally, RN, founder and CEO, with Marilyn Bullock, Communications Advisor, at The Compliance Team booth at APHA 2022.

This was our first year as an exhibitor at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference, held in Boston, MA November 6-8. The conference was well attended by health department employees, service organizations, and researchers. There was also a section of the exhibit space dedicated to universities that offer degree programs in health care specialties, so quite a few students attended the conference.

TCT’s certification standards are specific to individual patient health and safety at the facility.

Several attendees at our booth were interested in the distinction between the offerings of The Compliance Team Accreditation Organization and the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Although The Compliance Team is recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for accreditation in our other healthcare sectors – pharmacy, DMEPOS, and rural health clinics – in the health department community, our certification programs are most applicable to the needs of this sector.

TCT’s certification standards are specific to individual patient health and safety at the facility. We look at vaccine storage and handling, consistency and standardization of processes, vaccine delivery and documentation, follow-up of adverse events, clinician training, facility quality, and other clinical issues.

Both organizations’ standards complement each other and are equally essential to public health.

Learn more about The Compliance Team’s certification programs for local health departments. >

Message from the home office:

As of January 1, 2023, all invoices will be emailed instead of sent USPS. Please call or email the home office if future invoices should be sent to a specific email.

TCT employees celebrate 15 year anniversary.

celebrating 15 years at The Compliance Team

Roy Dunning, Data / Show Coordinator

Toni Esposito, DMEPOS/Pharmacy Surveyor, Call Advisor

Kelly Haggerty, Accounting Advisor  

Leslie Kalivas, Director Regulatory Affairs

Lesa Merchant, Vice President DMEPOS/Pharmacy

Cheree Rule, National Account Manager

Steve Simmerman, Chief Operating Officer  


Patient Satisfaction Surveys are important in every health care sector, letting owners and managers recognize areas in need of improvement. G.T. Robertson of NARE Home Medical sums up the value of surveys when he says that “ . . . customers feel like we care by paying more attention to their needs and addressing their issues . . . the reports give us valuable feedback.”

Visit us at upcoming trade shows.

Check out the events we will be attending. Go to the Conferences Page on our website.

Exemplary Provider Decals

Congratulations to our new and existing Exemplary Providers!

All  Exemplary Providers should proudly display their window clings (sent in your welcome packet) and add the Exemplary Provider decal to their websites (available in the Login area of our website). If you need help, contact Marilyn Bullock, our Communications Advisor.

The Compliance Team Exemplary Provider Accreditation web badge
The Compliance Team Quality Award
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