Oct 8, 2018

The Compliance Team announces new accreditation program – Patient-Centered Respiratory Home.

Outstanding patient care that goes beyond the ordinary deserves special recognition.

The Compliance Team recently announced its newest addition to its list of outstanding Exemplary Provider® programs. Patient-Centered Respiratory Home™ (PCRH) is the first accreditation program specifically designed to recognize advanced respiratory care home medical equipment providers who are performing at the top of their license-serving “critical needs” patients.

The Compliance Team’s Patient-Centered Respiratory Home™ accreditation track builds on our Medicare “deemed” Exemplary Provider® DMEPOS program by including the HME industry’s first product and service specific quality standards that cover access issues, provider coordination and prescriber communications.

Respiratory HME (Home Medical Equipment Services) specialists now have an accreditation program that helps them build a body of validated evidence that lets patients; prescribers and payers know that the highest levels of patient care are being practiced.

Sandra C. Canally, founder and CEO of The Compliance Team: “The Compliance Team develops new programs whenever we perceive a provider/patient need. With the evolving importance and payer demand around value-based care, we are seeing the increased need for an integrated care model that addresses coordination of care for patients with multiple conditions and/or who are on multiple medications. PCRH takes our Clinical Respiratory Accreditation program to a new level and offers providers an opportunity to expand their businesses.”

If you are accredited for Clinical Respiratory and would like to hear more about PCRH or if you are interested in pursuing new accreditations, please contact The Compliance Team at 215-654-9110.

Sandy Canally, founder and CEO, announces PCRH™

The Compliance Team wins the HME Business 2018 New Product Award –

in the Business Services category – for their new Patient-Centered Respiratory Home Accreditation Program.

DMEPOS most commonly cited deficiencies

Lesa Merchant, VP of Field Operations (lmerchant@thecomplianceteam.org

Clinical Respiratory Common Deficiency

Deficiency (RES 1.0)
The organization does not document follow-up in the patient record.

Clinical Respiratory quality standard RES 1.0, evidence of compliance 1, states that documentation of assessments, delivery and follow-up are found in the patient record.

While follow-up is most often being performed on a regular basis, documentation of the follow-up (whether by phone or in-person), in the patient record, can be inconsistent or incomplete. For new patients, receiving respiratory equipment, a follow-up must be performed within 72 hours of initial set-up, and at regular defined intervals thereafter.

Follow up documentation needs to include any changes in the patient’s condition, injuries/accidents, signs or symptoms of infection and hospitalizations. Any related communications with the patient’s physician(s) and coordination of care also need to be documented as well.

Consistent and complete documentation is an essential component of clinical respiratory patient care.

Remember the old adage, “If it is not documented, it is not done”!

“Advanced Home Care is pleased about our Exemplary Provider accreditation with The Compliance Team. It has made us one of the best respiratory companies in the region. We also appreciate the professionalism and thoroughness of our accreditation advisor, Wendy Sablatura.”  – Nabil Malaty, MB, BS, RRT, NPS, President/Owner, Advanced Home Care, Houston, TX

“Seeley Medical is a family owned regional company that is proud to have served our patients for over 50 years. Seeley Medical strives to assist our patients with disease state management programs by offering the latest in  technology and clinical support from our on-staff Respiratory Therapists and Nurses. The Compliance Team understands the importance of the clinical services we provide and offers access to resources such as self-assessment checklists and on-call staff, to ensure that our practices meet or exceed accreditation standards.”  – Susan Bolinski, RRT Clinical Supervisor, Seeley Medical, Andover, OH

Exemplary Provider Decals

We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details, mbullock@thecomplianceteam.org.

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