Jul 16, 2018



The Compliance Team was started because of my experience with accreditation and the “wrong way of doing it.” Before I started The Compliance Team in 1994, my experience with standards and other Accreditation Organizations was that they were focused on the policies and procedures and not on care and service. That certainly was contrary to my beliefs as a registered nurse, where the patient always came first!

Whether you are applying for your first accreditation or are renewing, healthcare standards should be easy to understand so that the providers AND the patients can understand what healthcare providers are held accountable for. The Compliance Team’s standards are easier to understand, yet, meet and or exceed CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) requirements. Using The Compliance Team for your accreditation has advantages over other accreditation organizations.

Be sure to read our article, “Trusted DMEPOS Accreditation Renewal”. Also view our video, “What does The Compliance Team do differently as an accreditor?” This video offers a brief (and somewhat humorous) overview of our history.

Best Regards,


Trusted DMEPOS Accreditation Renewal

The Compliance Team has made renewing your Exemplary Provider® accreditation rights and recognition easier than ever. Our simplified accreditation renewal process covers everything, including expert-led refresher webinars and documentation reviews at a cost that doesn’t break the bank. Best of all, your CMS-authorized Exemplary Provider®-accredited status will continue to serve notice to your patients and the public alike that your business is committed to and has been validated to be performing at the highest levels of healthcare delivery quality.

Additional Exemplary Provider® accreditation benefits:

  1. Easy access to expert Advisor guidance. Our experts will guide you through the renewal process, helping ensure that you are doing the right things long before our unannounced accreditation renewal visit.
  2. More than 95% of The Compliance Team’s Advisors are full-time employee experts. Nearly all of them have over eight years of direct on-site survey experience. Additionally, our Advisors receive monthly training and regular testing, giving you the peace of mind that you will experience survey reliability and consistency.
  3. The Compliance Team provides documentation templates and self-assessment checklists that makes staying compliant simple. For every required document, we have an approved template for it that you can use. In short, we provide you with all the tools you need to consistently operate your business at an exemplary level.
  4. A subscription to The Compliance Team’s Patient Quality Measurement is included as another value-added service to all program participants in good standing. Our HIPAA-compliant on-line patient satisfaction reporting and benchmarking portal automatically benchmarks your results against a national database that holds tens of millions of data points (and growing). It is yours to use for quality improvement purposes and bragging rights, or both.

What does The Compliance Team do differently as an accreditor?

CMS Proposed Updates

to Policies and Payment Rates for the End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System, the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies Competitive Bidding Program; DMEPOS Fee Schedule Amounts, Quality Incentive Program; and Payment for Renal Dialysis Services Furnished to Individuals with Acute Kidney Injury (CMS-1691-P) | Read more…

Renewal Reminders: DMEPOS most commonly cited deficiencies

Common Deficiences
Our call advisors are often asked the question “what are the most common deficiencies that are cited during a renewal onsite visit?”

  1. A recent evaluation of renewal scoring reports has revealed a common pattern with Standard ADM 1.0 (Administration, Section 2) being one of the most cited standards, specifically, Evidence of Compliance item #5 which states…” Leadership reviews Policy & Procedure manual and forms annually. Documentation of review is maintained.”
  2. Another common deficiency involves Standard HR 1.0 (Human Resources, Section 4) which requires ongoing training on various topics upon hire and then every year thereafter to include; Corporate Compliance Plan and Policies, Fraud/Waste/Abuse, Standards of Conduct, HIPAA, OSHA, to name a few. The deficiencies above typically cited on those specific standards.

How we support you
One of the differentiators of The Compliance Team’s DMEPOS accreditation program is that we provide ways to support you in maintaining your accreditation and to help you through the renewal process:

  1. On our website, click on Client Services
    a. Service Center takes you to a form where you can ask questions 24/7
  2. Go to our website, login and then, from the Main Menu, click on Exemplary Provider® Accreditation Programs Documentation. Go to these links:
    a. What’s New
    b. Self-Assessment Checklists
    i. DMEPOS Self-Assessment Checklist
    ii. Renewal Checklist
    iii. Renewal Guide
    c. Standards
    i. DMEPOS Standards (most current version)
    d. Webinars (You will see a list of recorded webinars including one specific to renewals.
  3. We have home office staff Monday through Friday 9-5 eastern, to answer your questions, and/or refer to the accreditation advisor on call for compliance questions relating to the DMEPOS standards.
  4. Our DMEPOS Newsletters are also good sources of current information.

We encourage you to maintain quarterly quality improvement and self-assessment throughout the year to sustain success in every level of your business, maintain a culture of compliance, avoid last minute stress as you approach your next renewal onsite survey and lead to a successful survey outcome.

“The Compliance Team is a business partner in the truest sense, when it comes to accreditation. The thorough, yet user-friendly, program lends itself to success. All rules, regulations and standards are covered and presented in a stress-free, collaborative manner. Their very professional approach has improved our business operations significantly over the past ten years.”

Steve Ackerman, CEO, Spectrum Medical, Inc., Silver Spring, MD

Exemplary Provider Decals

We have new Exemplary Provider digital decals that you can add to your website or to your marketing materials. You can choose between generic or custom decals that include the accreditation tracks e.g. DMEPOS, Community Rx + DMEPOS, Long Term Care Pharmacy, Specialty Drug. Contact Marilyn, our communications advisor, for details, mbullock@thecomplianceteam.org.

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